Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where has the time gone?

I am so lame at blogging. I apologize!! I have lost my camera cord and can't seem to down load any new pictures. I thought I would give a little update however!
All is well in Rexburg. The girls came in 5th and 6th place at the State Gymnastic Meet. And their little team of 4 girls came in 2nd place. They take the top best 3 scores from the team gymnasts and add them together. Most teams have 10 - 20 girls to draw from. So Go Madison, not to shabby!

Alex seems to be doing great on his mission. He was made Senior Companion after 3 months out. We received lots of picturs and he looks great and happy. It is so fun to hear him so excited about Zone Conferences and articles from the Ensign every month. We can tell how much he as grown and is doing good things in Louisiana. He loves the people and missionary life.

Addison is getting ready to graduate, Wow. He is planning on working at the Golf course full time this summer - (Caddy Shack 3 coming out soon!!)

I promise to get some updated pictures soon.
